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Q: How to apply for visa for students under 18?
A: Students under 18 years old are required to provide two copies of notarization (a copy of personal ID for Chinese Citizens; a temporary residence permit for non Beijing residents). It can be obtained at the Beijing notary public office. One of the copies is used for the JW202 form application, the other one for applying for the residence permit. Other details regarding visa application can be found in the "Student Visa Guidelines" section.

Q: What kind of degree can be awarded after graduating from International School of BUCM?
A: International students after graduating from BUCM can obtain a bachelor degree issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The Certificate is granted to long term and short term trainees accredited by BUCM.

Q: How and When to pay the tuition fees?
A: Tuition fees must be paid on the first week of each semester, for the one semester or the full academic year. Payment is accepted in cash and any Chinese Union pay (Yinlian) debt card. Money remittance is not an option currently; students have to pay at the Finance Office of BUCM.

Q: Do you have age limit for applicants?
A: There is no age limit after the admission, as long as the health condition of students allows them to finish their study.

Q: Are Chinese citizens who are residents in other countries eligible for applying?
A: No. Only foreign citizens holding a passport valid for a minimum of 4 years.

Q: After being accepted, when should students come to China, and what special attention should be paid?
A: After acceptance, please take the admission letter and JW202 form to the Chinese Consulate in your country to apply for a student visa. It is recommended that make your entry to China as close to the registration date as possible, in order to avoid the expiration of the visa. Upon arrival students must register before the registration deadline.

Q: How to apply for dormitory?
A: After admission, students can contact teachers in Administration Office to book a dorm in the dormitory, Tel: +86-10-64286303.

Q: Is it mandatory to buy medical insurance after registration?
A: According to the regulations of the Chinese Ministry of Education, international students must purchase medical insurance in China. Students can buy insurance on registration day, at the registration office.

Q: Are textbook fees and other expenses included in the tuition fees?
A: The tuition fees do not include any other costs, such as textbook fees, accommodation expenses, living expenses, etc. These need to be paid accordingly.
