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China Survival Tips2012-6-28 17:10:00 From: chinateach.org
1. Be honest, diligent, patient and willing to look foolish in all that you do. ![]() 2. Be open to do anything, whenever, wherever, however. You will find yourself doing many different things than you expected to do and in various ways. Be flexible and adaptable. 3. Be patient and considerate of cultural differences, especially bureaucratic procedures. You may have to wait what will seem to be an eternity for even the simplest of decisions to be made. That's the China system. Accept it. 4. Always remember you are a guest in their country. Too often we Americans want things to be the same as they are in America. 5. Generally speaking, the Chinese people think of themselves as belonging to a group, whether it be a political party, nation, society, school, track team, work unit, etc., whereas we Americans think more in terms of "me", "I" and "myself". We have an individualistic outlook on life that can be rather alarming to the Chinese people. Attempt to "lose your rights to gain your privileges." 6. On the whole, the average Chinese is more shy than an average American. When building friendships, be consistently honest and trustworthy. This will win many friends, both students and administrators alike. Offer your services in areas you can be of assistance. 7. Be prepared to show a great deal of respect for people in authority, for rules and regulations, and for teachers and administrators as well as older people. 8. In order to lessen culture shock, "jump" right into the Chinese culture as soon as you arrive. Speak Chinese as often as you can and be with the people as often as is possible. Try to become a bicultural belonger. Avoid congregating with other foreigners only. 9. Be yourself. You are who you are and will be different to the Chinese no matter how hard you try to become like them. A good motto to follow is: "Keep your good qualities, leave your individualism at home and assimilate the good qualities of the Chinese people. 10. Although fellowship will be less, you may experience God in a more real manner. There's no doubt that He will have many lessons to teach you during this coming year. 11. Remember love in action speaks louder than any words that you could ever speak. Be willing to live out your Christian life to the utmost. Your life will stand out when the Chinese compare you with other foreigners. 12. Every foreigner's circumstances are different in China depending on the work unit that supervises you, your status while in China and your behavior. Try to avoid the comparison games. 13. Be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. Take notice of all that you see. This entails being careful and discerning, knowing when and what to say, who and who not to trust. 14. Go with the expectancy of it being a year of the Lord's working in your life and through your life. If you believe little will happen, little will happen. Don't limit Almighty God. Total:1 Page: 1