Quyi is a general name for several hundreds speaking and singing art forms. Quyi is profoundly rooted in Chinese time-honored history and culture. In ancient times, both storytelling and comic performances were widespread and popular among not only common people, but in the palaces and the mansions of nobility. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), many old and new stories was been told, some of them were from Buddhist scriptures and some were accompanied by folk songs. During the Song Dynasty (960A .D. -1279A .D.), the prosperity of trade and the growth of cities and urban populations speeded up the development and flourish of storytelling and other Quyi forms.
There are about 400 forms of Quyi. All take speaking and singing as their major expression. Therefore, the language must be lively, simple, vivid as well as colloquial, and easy to memorize and recite. As Quyi arts employ speaking and singing as its major mediums, the artists have to try their best to stimulate the audiences through their words and songs so as to inspire them to conjure up images. Unlike to drama or opera, Quyi usually needs only one or two performers who may play several roles. In addition, the contents of Quyi are shorter and earthlier than other art forms, and the artists usually compose, edit and design by themselves.