Nuo mask plays an indispensable role in Nuo Dance, which has two kinds for sacrifice and performance. The one for sacrifice is heavier and solid, with a general size of 11760 cm. And the one for performance is lighter and smaller, with a size of 3020 cm. Eyes, nose and mouth are hollowed out for ventilation, suitable for dancers wearing. The molding of these masks emphasizes the characters temperament. According to the characters temperament, applying the combination of exaggeration and verisimilitude, the graver use knife instead of brush carve the varied lively figures of Gods by the use of skills of embossment, openwork carving, full relief and line cutting. There are three kinds of masks. One is looking ferocious and savage, with the threatening gestures like a beast of prey. Second has the amiable looking of civility, with eyes semi-closed, smile on the face. Third is witty and humorous with grimace and squinted eyes.
There were more than 4000 Nuo masks, but now only over 700 were preserved, made in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The carving of Nuo masks embodies the intelligence and refined skills and carries on the worship and understanding of Nuo. The production of these masks vividly and incisively demonstrates the idolatry and hatred of evil spirits, making us still can experience the powerful awe of inviting God and driving out evils.