桑代裕史(男):1987年生,国籍日本。2003年3月,他成为上海甘泉外国语中学首批正式的留学生,他是抱着学习中国文化的想法来甘泉的,他从小就对中国的文化特别感兴趣,中国的佛教文化、书法绘画、民族乐器等等这些都让他十分着迷。他的书画作品曾多次在区里拿奖,民族乐器葫芦丝也吹得有声有色。高中毕业后,桑代同学进入南京中医药大学学习中医。Sangdaiyushi, born in 1987, Japanese. He is among the first group of registered international students in Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Languages High School. Having been interested in Chinese culture since childhood, he came to Ganquan School to further his study, where he is fascinated with Buddhism, Chinese painting and calligraphy, folk musical instruments and so on. His works of painting and writing have won many prices in Putuo District, and his performance of the folk instrument (hu lu si) is highly appreciated. He is studying herbal medicine in Nanjing University of Chinese Traditional Medicine after the graduation from Ganquan.

王庄宁(女):1988年生,国籍日本。2004年来到上海甘泉外国语中学留学生部学习。短短几年时间,中文水平有了长足的进步,并在音乐方面有独特的造诣,她擅长钢琴,在学校乐队中担任键盘手,多次荣获奖学金,还获得2006年校樱花节的“形象大使”。在甘泉毕业后,她考取了上海复旦大学,开始了新的求学之路。 Wangzhuangning, born in 1988, Japanese. She began her study in the Foreign Student Department of Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Languages High School in 2004. She has achieved considerable progress in her Chinese ability during only a few years. She also has a talent for music. Besides being good at playing the piano, she joins the school band as keyboarder player. What’s more, she has been awarded scholarships several times and was elected image representative of school 2006 Cherry Blossom Festival. She continues her study in Fudan University after finishing study in Ganquan High School.