On April 30th 2012 the Confucius Institute hosted a Yangqin concert with the title "Dialogue Concert - Jasmine in Blossom" in which the audience had the opportunity, not only to enjoy the music performance, but also a detailed introduction to the instrument by Yangqin-specialist Prof. Dr. Liu Yuening.
The trapezoidal Yangqin is a Chinese hammered dulcimer and is played with two bamboo hammers. Originally this classical music instrument reached China from Middle East and Persia (modern-day Iran) through the Silk Road during the Ming-Dynasty. The Yangqin's popularity is not only due to the multifaceted applicability in solos, as an accompanying instrument, - or in orchestras, but also due to the rich diversity of its timbre and sound variations. Precisely this versatility was demonstrated by the enchanting "Jasmine Ensemble" under the guidance of Prof. Liu in a fascinating performance of eight carefully selected pieces of music. On the one hand the audience could listen to the clear and bell-like tones with gentle melodies of Chinese Guangdong folk music and on the other hand it was impressed by the narrative of a battlefield and fighting scenes in the Sichuan Opera, described by sharp and percussive rhythms. In addition to the performance of traditional Chinese music like "Ye Shen Chen", a Peking opera, famous western compositions such as "The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi were interpreted as well. The successful performance of "Jasmine ensemble" ended with enthusiastic applause.